Our 100% automated Web To Print API allows you to save time on the while process. Browse products, prices, order and track the shipping of your printed Tshirts (swears, polos, shirts, ...) in the blink of an eye using DropShipPrint.fr API!
C'est simple : Select a product, indicate the surfaces to print, send visuals, shipping address, and voilà! Everything is printed and delivered to you customer as if it were you! And everything is done completely automated. Marvelous, isn't it?
Découvrez rapidement quelques fonctionnalités :
List all available products
Returns the list of all available products, with complementary informations such as colors, sizes, dimensions, marking surfaces...
Accéder à la documentation détailléeRetreive a specific product (by ID)
Returns the informations of the requested product such as colors, sizes, dimensions, marking surfaces...
Accéder à la documentation détailléeList all prices of a specific product
Returns the prices of a specific product.
Accéder à la documentation détailléeList all orders
Returns the list of all your orders with details
Accéder à la documentation détailléeRetreive a specific order (by ID)
Returns informations corresponding to the order number you sent. Example: current status, tracking number, etc
Accéder à la documentation détailléeList all historied of a specific order
Returns an array with every status an order had.
Accéder à la documentation détailléeSend orders to production
Allows you to send multiple orders in order for us to manage it in our production process
Accéder à la documentation détailléeReplace an order
Allows you to delete a recent order and replace it with another one (PUT = DELETE + POST).
Accéder à la documentation détailléeDelete an orde
Allows you to delete an order which hasn't been sent to production (cf "patchable" field)
Accéder à la documentation détaillée